Artem Lobov and Paddy Holohan
Via: Sir Stevo Timothy’s Twitter

Artem Lobov is set to take on Paddy Holohan in a charity wheelchair boxing match in Dublin, Ireland.

It’s safe to say that “The Russian Hammer” is easily one of the most popular cult hero fighters in recent memory. From his never say die attitude to how he carries himself, it was always exciting when Lobov got into the cage or ring – regardless of whether it was for mixed martial arts or boxing.

After his most recent bare knuckle outing in July it seemed as if he was retiring from all forms of combat. Now, though, he’s coming back for a special cause – a wheelchair boxing meeting with his friend Paddy Holohan.

“What a day. What an experience! The absolute gentleman @RusHammerMMA invited me up for a bit of training ahead of my fight with @paddyb_ireland and it was immense. And not only that but he will now take part in the charity wheelchair fight against none other than @PaddyHolohanMMA”

Holohan, as many remember, opted to retire from mixed martial arts after being diagnosed with a Factor XIII deficiency, a rare blood disorder. It’s been more than five years now since he made that announcement and in recent times, Paddy has decided to turn his attention to the world of politics – a decision that has had some mixed responses up to this point.

Conor McGregor is still expected to compete in a similar contest in the not so distant future once his leg is all healed up but for the time being, it’s down to Lobov and Holohan to carry the torch.

Will you be tuning in to watch Artem Lobov vs Paddy Holohan in a charity boxing match? Which man did you prefer to watch when they were competing? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, BJPENN Nation!

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM

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