Chase Sherman

Chase Sherman has had a whirlwind of a week, to say the least.

Sherman was officially released from the UFC just four days ago, partly due to him and his manager asking for it. He says Mick Maynard wanted to keep him on the roster, but they had no fights for him so the plan was to go back to BKFC and get some fights there and then re-sign with the UFC in the future.

Yet, after Tanner Boser was forced out of his fight against Alexandr Romanov on Saturday at UFC Vegas 52, the UFC quickly called to get Sherman back on the roster.

“It was crazy. Mick Maynard didn’t want to officially release me as he thought he could still use me and liked me and my style,” Sherman said to “But, he didn’t know when I would be going to fight again, so after a few months, I told my manager that I needed to fight soon for financial reasons, obviously. He messaged Mick and he said he was booked up for a while so my manager got my release and the plan was to get a couple of fights outside the UFC, make some cash, and get re-signed again.

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“The plan was to go back to BKFC but four days later, I got a message from my manager who said the UFC re-signed me and they want me to fight in four days,” Sherman continued. “They re-signed me a four-fight deal and they doubled my pay, so I was like okay I can’t turn that down. To be honest, I don’t know if I would’ve taken this had it been for the same pay. I’m not taking a fight on four days’ notice against a guy who’s undefeated on what I was making.”

Chase Sherman
Image Credit UFC

With Sherman now back under the UFC banner and taking this fight on short notice, he says he hasn’t had a chance to take a look at Romanov. Instead, he says he will just go in there and fight his fight as he doesn’t have the necessary time to prepare for a guy like Romanov.

“I’m just going through all the paperwork again, I haven’t gotten a chance to analyze him as a fighter,” Sherman said. “All I’ve done is watch some of his fights like I haven’t studied him and his tendencies because truthfully, none of that matters when you have four days to fight.”

Not only is Chase Sherman just focusing on himself, but he says there is no pressure on him. He got double the pay and he knows everyone expects him to lose. However, the UFC has promised him regardless of the result he gets at least one more fight. With that, Sherman says that allows him to go in there and have fun and see what happens.

“Absolutely, I’m not in fight shape, I’ve been training but I’ve not been training for a fight, rather just more technique,” Sherman concluded. “I already know what I signed up for and I’ve accepted it. Just go in there and have some fun because there is no pressure it’s all reward. My manager and Mick are close and they said I get at least one more regardless of this result. But, I’m still going out there to win this fight like I catch him and KO him I shock the world. It’s not out of the possibility I catch him.”

What do you make of Chase Sherman re-signing with the UFC?

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM

Author: Staff

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