Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship - Lombard vs. Mundell
Photo by Alex Menendez/Getty Images

BKFC’s tried and true pro wrestling tactic didn’t go so great this time.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) is consistently entertaining and had a big card on Saturday night with a series of title fights between some of their best talents.

One of them was a fight between Hector Lombard and Joe Riggs. Lombard won, and normally that’s worth talking about to at least those of you who care about BKFC, but that’s not why we’re here.

BKFC also has a habit of having The Next Contender for The Latest Winner interrupt a post-fight interview. It’s very WWE, it’s drastically overdone by the promotion, and, uh, apparently no one clued Lombard in that Lorenzo Hunt was going to do the shtick this time, because Lombard punched him in the head twice:

Hunt’s genuinely stunned response says enough, as does the fact that the just-beaten Joe Riggs has to hop in to break it up, as does the corny interview guy going, “Oh, sheezus!” and running away.

Maybe it’s time to stop doing this bit. Or at least inform the people involved that it’s going to happen, lest someone get knocked cold out in what probably actually maybe might be a real life true crime assault. Might be something to consider. And at any rate it’s so predictable now that it’s like having an SNL in 1998 where “the cheerleaders” are every other sketch. So at least Lombard made this one special, I guess.

Author: Staff

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