A pair of intentional headbutts led to Jack Grady being disqualified in his fight at BKFC 32 in Orland. But a pair of middle fingers from opponent Ryan Reber led to a wild brawl breaking out in the ring.

The volatile situation exploded after the referee paused the action and then waved off the fight after Grady was flagged for two separate intentional headbutts. Grady was immediately upset by the decision, and that’s when Reber threw up double middle fingers in his face.

That led to Grady shoving Reber with a flurry of punches being thrown from the fighters as security started pouring in the ring to break them apart.

At one point BKFC President Dave Feldman could be seen jumping in the ring and grabbing onto Grady to help pull him away from Reber. Grady eventually got dragged down to the ground by several officials as Reber put his hands up and stayed against the ropes rather than continuing the melee.

Grady was down on the ground with at least one official shouting “I got him” repeatedly and then saying “get off of him” as the fighter was obviously pinned on the canvas.

It’s not clear at this time if Grady will face any consequences for his actions, but cooler heads eventually prevailed and order was restored.

Author: Staff

Please go to MMAFighting.com to read full article.

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