Feldman reveals Perry/Alvarez piracy

“The company that worked last time and found almost 800,000 found 1.3 million unique IP addresses streamed it (BKFC 56),” Feldman claimed. “So, it just sucks man. It’s good and it sucks, right, because I can’t keep saying, ‘Wow, 1.3 million people watched us or 2 million people watched us,’ because they’re not frickin’ paying for it.

“But, we probably did closer to 100,000 buys and it’s just discouraging because when you go in here and you do these projections and you’re like, ‘This is the way it’s trending,’ and this one was trending towards 275,000 buys. That’s what it looked like in the marketing and all the media trending into it and it didn’t get there, and it’s just because people are stealing it, man, and it sucks.”

Quotes via MMA News

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Author: Staff

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