This is not a typical Coach D article where I tell people about what fighter is doing great at this gym or that gym, or what promotion has a packed card in their town. No, this will be something completely different.

Today I am talking as a Fight Fan that is looking to see a great fight happen, but not just any fight. How about a fight initiated by the fighters simply because they want to fight each other and will not let anything get in the way of that happening.

It’s something we don’t see often enough in my opinion; one fighter calling out another fighter in an interview and that fighter accepting the challenge live on air. This is what happened with James Warfield and Jeremie Holloway on Saturday, May 1st around 8:30 pm on my MMA Fight Camp page on Facebook.

Now two fighters going at one another on social media is nothing new, but what rarely happens on the local scene is those two fighters sticking together and agreeing to fight whenever and wherever this fight will go.

It can be in an MMA cage, at a Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship event, or in the mighty Trigon Triangle at Back Yard Brawls down in Miami Florida. For them, it does not matter. It could be in a McDonald’s parking lot for all they care. They just want to fight each other. No politics. No promotions getting in the way. All that needs to happen is a place, a date and time, and a fight will break out.

And that’s all we really want as Fight Fans, a good story leading up to a good fight, and seeing who can knock the other fighter clean out.

As Coach D, I will do whatever it takes to see this fight happen and I won’t be sitting on the sideline. I will be pushing for this fight to happen one way or the other as only I can, and that’s Coach D style. So buckle up Fight Fans, it will be a bumpy road but at the end of it all will be a great fight. I just want to know how many other Fight Fans want to see it.

This is Coach D calling it like I see it until you hear from me again, peace out.


The post Jeremie Holloway : I will fight you James Warfield! appeared first on Fight Camp Promotion.

Author: Staff

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